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Opening day : All are expected to attend class on the reopening day after vacation,more so on the first day of the new academic year.

Uniform: all students should come to the school in proper school uniform.Those who don't willbe sent back home.

Diary : Every student must bring the school diary daily to the school even on the day of examination.if the child lose the diary,the new diary he/she should buy.

Home work : Every student must be punctual to complete withutmost care the daily home work.if not done action will be taken.

Unfair Means: A student who use unfair means f give assistance in any form, or cheats during exams, will be given zero in the subject.

Extra Disciplinary Action: Serious misconducts such as the use of abusive language,maligning the dignity,physical attack,may cause an extra disciplinary action even to the extent of dismissal of the student from the school.

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